4rth International Conference on
Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies
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During the last decades, advanced probabilistic nowcasting systems have significantly improved the forecasting quality on very high-resolutions (~ 1 km). At ZAMG Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis (INCA) system has been continuously developed and tested for a wide variety of applications including estimation of wind and solar energy potential. The system is designed to provide the best possible deterministic weather information as well as probabilistic forecasts on very high resolution (1km). The system is updated up to every 10 minutes and spans the forecast horizons from the current state of the atmosphere, minutes to hours ahead, up to the short range of +72 hours. The system integrates various kinds of observation data (i.e. station data, radar and satellite data) and smartly combines observation-based analysis and nowcasting methods and regional and global deterministic and probabilistic NWP. INCA can easily integrate satellite, RADAR and station observations which makes it a very useful tool for data scarce regions such as Pakistan where station observations are a rarity.
Estimating and forecasting renewable energy potential by using
advanced nowcasting methods in data scarce region
Dr. Nauman Khurshid Awan
Senior Scientist, Model development group, Zentralanstalt für
Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43(0)1360262337
Fax: +43(0)18922538
Cell: +43(0)6505202058