I would like to welcome you to take a challenge by aspiring to become a student of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FET) and becoming a part of a dynamic group of people with leading edge ideas and ready to work in a highly rigorous, practical and challenging environment. We take pride in being Muslims and this spirit is being reflected in the syllabi of different degree programs. The International character of our program is displayed by its amalgam of the best professional approach, ethical values, social and moral training, communication skills as well as industrial standards of Engineering problems. The international character is evident from our international students and teachers.
The Faculty of Engineering & Technology comprises of the following departments
The programs at the Faculty of Engineering & Technology involve a combination of research, learning and practice. Alongside ‘research-led teaching’, there is the theme of ‘theory and practice’. All undergraduate programs of FET are based on originality of ideas and industrial projects. Although currently the faculty is a young one and comprising only two departments, the FET is envisaged to grow as a major modern center of excellence for engineering education and research. We have already been placed among the most dynamic, fastest growing and excelled faculties in engineering sciences in the country.
The Faculty endeavors to venture into new programs like Civil Engineering, Mechatronics, Environmental Engineering and Biomedical Engineering etc. Over the next few years we will continue the process of self-evaluation, renewal and growth of both our academic programs, staff and our infrastructure.
Please come forward, visit us and see yourself what we claim!
If you join us, you will become a member of an academic community, which is proud of its traditions and its contemporary education. We stress our motto that “we do not just produce professionals we build character”.
I look forward to welcome you here and hope that you will enjoy yourself and participate fully in the life at FET. On behalf of the faculty and the university, I wish you good luck in your endeavors and hope to see you with us.
Prof. Dr. Saeed Badshah
051-9257949 - 051-9019465
[email protected]
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET) was established in year 2007 with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as its first constituent department. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering already existed in the university under the Faculty of Applied Sciences. The foundation stone of an independent building block, namely Engineering Block was laid in April 2007 which is inaugurated in July, 2009. The present Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is one of the largest departments within the University with a thriving undergraduate and postgraduate student population of over 1000. This includes over 150 female students currently enrolled in the faculty. The syllabus is continually under development and review, in line with the requirements of various professional bodies (such as Higher Education Commission and Pakistan Engineering Council) that accredit our programs, and the latest technological needs of industry. Mechanical Engineering Department is established to gauge our students with cutting edge technologies and systems. The Department of Engineering Management is our recent endeavour to train technical managers for future requirements.