IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
The department of Anthropology offers world class curriculum, experienced facilitators, and proactive liaison with the professional and social surrounding. We are firm to take all the measures to understand and harness the potential of our students; and to train them to not only upgrade themselves intellectually and professionally but to contribute to their circle of influence, Pakistan and Milat-e- Islamia. Our graduates trained on the principles of cultural relativism, Holisim-Holistic view of the problem and situation, ‘Out of the Box Thinking’, ‘Emic’ understanding, ability to see the ‘Big Picture’ and communicate in the globalized and cross cultural world can successfully make their ways to International Developmental Organizations (World Bank, United Nations Development Project, Asian Development Bank, US Aid etc.), Non Government Organizations (National Rural Support Programme, Agha Khan Rural Support Programme etc.), Business Organizations (Marketing, Product Development, Entrepreneurship etc.), Multi National Corporations ( McDonald, KFC, Telenore etc.), Educational Institutions and Government Institutions and Policy Making Bodies.
Dr. Noreen Saher , Associate Professor / Chairperson , HEC Approved Supervisor
Brief History and Programs
The Department of Anthropology has been recently launched. It has been inducted its first batches (M.Sc. and B.S.) of students from Spring Semester 2014.
The Vision
The vision of the Department of Anthropology is to develop a breed of professionals who can understand the problems of Pakistani society from local as well as holistic perspective and can come up with more viable solutions to contribute to their circle of influence, organizations, society and Milat-e- Islamia at large.
The Goals of the Department
The Department of Anthropology focuses to achieve the following goals:
To promote state of the art training and education in the field of Anthropology.
To perform a leading role in preparing and updating proficient Anthropologist who can contribute to socio-economic progress of Pakistani society and Milat-e- Islamia.
To conduct studies and contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of Anthropology.
To develop proactive liaison between/ among the academic institutions, professionals, policy making bodies and social surrounding.
To organize and participate in International, regional and national seminars and conferences and develop intellectual collaboration with community of Anthropologist and social scientist at national as well as international level.
The Desired Outcomes
The graduates of the Department of Anthropology are expected to congregate the following international standards after the successful completion of the programmes:
Understand the central concepts, theories, research tools and structure of the discipline of Anthropology.
Able to handle cross cultural groups and can communicate in the cross cultural and globalized world.
Be reflective researcher and practitioner who can upgrade oneself and can contribute to the surrounding.
Capable to avoid preconceptions and recognize varied perspectives of the reality; and can effectively manage negotiation and dialogue with cross cultural diverse groups.
Proficient in grasping the “big picture”, conceiving “out of the box” and developing viable solution to the problems.
Competent researchers and can gather, integrate, synthesize and analyze data
Able to develop liaisons between/among academic institution, people, policy institutes, funding agencies and government institutions to work for the socio economic development of the society.
Male Campus:
Room: A-107, Imam Abu Hanifa (Faculty Bolck No.1), Sector H-10,
International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Ph: 051-9019517, 051-9019524