The speakers at a seminar on celebrations of 70 years of universal human rights declaration at International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) were of the opinion that protection of human rights was utmost need of the humanity in the prevailing circumstances around the world. They stressed the need of steps for a society free of human sufferings and deprivations.

The seminar was organizedby Shariah Academy of the IIUI, in collaboration with National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) at Faisal Masjid campus on Tuesday.

“Government’s policy frame work on human rights envisages the elimination of injustice, establishing rule of law and creating a society free of human sufferings,” said Mumtaz Ahmed Tarar, Federal Minister for Human Rights in his address as chief guest in the seminar.

He added that ministry of human rights had been working to establish an institutional frame work for implementation of policies regarding human prerogatives. He continued that the government had taken a number of legislative measures to strengthen institutional mechanism. He said terrorism and prevailing law and order situations have affected the whole country and called for joint efforts to deal with the situation.

Jean-François Cautain, Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan, speaking as a guest of honour hailed efforts of IIUI and NCHR for arranging this activity. He called for joint efforts for protection of the rights of individuals including children and women. He also briefed the audience about the status of Pakistan in the perspective of GSP PLUS.

Dr. Masoom Yasinzai also addressed the seminar and said“we need a proper situationanalysis and there is a need to be placed on education development”. He suggested training to develop curricula, materials, methods and trainings ensuring the human rights. He laudedNCHR for its on-going efforts regarding awareness of human rights. The IIUI Rector also called to include the human rights topic in the curricula ofschools.

IIUI President, Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh said in his speech that Islam is religion of peace,love, equality and freedom. He said Islam has even given rights to animal and it is a staunch supporter of empowerment of women. He condemned all the human rights violations in the name of Islam and said that IIUI is working on the lines to disseminate Islam’s message ofpeace and protection of rights across the world.


Ali Nawaz Chowan, Chairman NCHR told that as many as 25 reports have been issued by the commission covering all the human rights sufferings.  He said that human rights protection was a pre-requisite for the democracy.  He urged all the concernedtosupport NCHR in pursuit of protection of human rights.

Senator Farhatullah Babar called for protection of right to life and said that undiscusse

d aspects of human rights in the educational institutions on such platforms.

Dr. Muhammad Munir Vice President, IIUI thanked all the participants for attending the

event and reiterated his resolve to disseminate Islam’s message of peace.

The seminar was also addressed by I. A Rehman, Human rights experts, Cristian Mundate, Acting country representative UNICEF, and other officials of NCHR.