A seminar on “Globalization and Evolving Pakistani Culture: Influence of Media Images on Mind”. It was organized by Department of Anthropology at the New Campus of the University in which speakers’ included Dr. Shaheer Elahi, Assistant Professor, Bahria University, Dr. Uzma Mansoor, Clinical Psychologist and Head of the Psychology Department, Bahria University, Mr. Tehseen Riaz, Lecturer at COMSATS University, highlighted the effects of mass media on mind.
Dr. Shaheer talked about contextualization in which he claimed that reality is relative, while, he also shared different characteristics of words, firstly words have sounds, secondly words are picture hearing, a sound picture develop in our mind, thirdly words having different meaning and structures in it.
Dr. Uzma Mansoor discussed about the fact that media imparts positive and negative effect on individuals. She added that in current scenario, media is easily accessible to everyone and here uses and gratification theory of media applies, where every individual views according to his / her choice and wishes.
Mr. Tehsin Riaz, shared that the largest part of human brain is cerebrum, which does the vital function of humans body, he also talked about the functions of eyes and ears, where he described that eyes and ears are basic source of learning.
Dr. Noreen Saher, Associate Professor and Head of Anthropology Department, IIUI in her concluding remarks, also shared the effects of media on human minds. At the end guest speakers were presented souvenirs.