A meeting of Special Committee regarding Online Courses was held via Zoom. Many issues to address constraints and meet prerequisites came under discussion.
According to details, issues including statutory approval for online classes, online viva voce, training of master trainers, studio facility on campus, cloud facility, target dates, issues of students regarding LMS, Dept/faculty wise support, Library access to data basis from home, use of YouTube video lectures, average number of lectures left for the current semester, visiting faculty and courses on supervision were discussed and the minutes have been moved to relevant sections for finalization.
A meeting of the “Lead Trainers” and “Master Trainers” was held through ZOOM on April 09, 2020. Mr. Zulqarnanin Hashmi (Director IT) shared the purpose of the meeting and told all universities have been advised to operationalize online platforms and Learning Management Systems. The IIU Management has formed various committees. Information Telecommunication Committee (ITC) lead by Prof Dr N B Jumani is one of those.
There are about 7-8 lead trainers and one master trainer from each department is are nominated by respective Heads/Deans. Prof. Dr. N. B. Jumani thanked all the participants. He shared that the semester Spring 2020 was going smooth and many of its activities were underway through online modes also. But to bring uniformity and transparency in various activities, the online classes have been stopped. A lot of deliberation is continually taking place within the university to address the issues and implement the guidelines in letter and spirit. He shared that under the leadership of Mr. Zulqarnain Hasmi theIT team is working on the LMS and Aljamia system of IIU to cater for the needs of Online teaching in Spring 2020. The schedule of face to face meeting of Lead Trainers and the team and faculty wise training sessions of Master Trainers was discussed. Whatsapp groups of both Lead Trainers and Master Trainers are already operational. The Master trainers would be guided about creating and managing courses on LMS. The meeting ended with thanks and dua for quick recovery from this pandemic.