Mission Statement:
“To make Faculty of Shari‘ah & Law a center of learning to provide legal education with emphasis on Islamic law and to develop greater interaction and understanding between Shari‘ah and contemporary laws”
The main objective of our programs in the Faculty of Shari‘ah & Law is to produce leaders and experts in legal profession and develop scholars well versed in numerous branches of Shari‘ah & Law to provide intellectual approach and guidance in the process of Islamization and modern Law. The graduates of our faculty are fully competent to assume judicial as well as complementary and supporting role with better knowledge, training, studies and research. The ensuing objectives of the programs in Shari‘ah and law are contemplated:
  • To produce highly qualified graduates who are well versed both in Shari‘ah& Law.
  • To enable the graduates of Faculty of Shari‘ah& Law to explore the original sources of knowledge through the study of Islamic Law and contemporary Laws from the original sources.
  • To produce graduates who with continuous studies and research could bring about change in legal education and the legal profession by improving the system and providing a strong Shari‘ah base.
  • To provide the opportunity of comparative study of Shari‘ah& Law and to prepare the students for active participation in the task of Islamization of laws in Pakistan.
  • To suggest suitable solutions to the problems arising out of implementation of Positive Laws through guided research at the higher level of studies.
  • To fulfill the demands of the society through specialized scholars as Judges, Lawyers, Teachers and Shari‘ah Experts.
  • To contribute and assist in the implementation of Shari‘ah.