A famous Turkish social Scientist and professor of sociology Dr. Saami Shinner called on Dr. Masoom Yasinzai Rector International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) at his office on Tuesday.

During the meeting issues pertaining to role of higher education institutions in the Muslim world and importance of social scientists in Muslim societies were discussed.

Professor Saami apprised Dr. Masoom about his experiences after discussions with Pakistan sociologists and also told about the lectures he delivered in Lahore, KP and IIUI. He also told about topics which were discussed during his lectures such as urbanization of youth and its importance in society building.

Dr. Masoom Yasinzai called upon the Muslim societies that social sciences research must b top priority. He said there is an acute deficit of social scientists which must be addressed on urgent basis. IIUI Rector also hailed Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD) for inviting Professor Saami through a fellowship and making his interaction with IIUI social scientists. The meeting was also attended by IRD Executive Director Dr. Husn ul Amin.