As many as 5 thousand male and female students of International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) marked the World Anti-Corruption day on Friday through a walk led by the varsity’s Rector Dr. Masoom Yasinzai.
The walk commenced from the varsity’s Kashmir Highway gate and ended at G-10 Traffic Signal. It was also joined by university Vice Presidents, Director General, Deans, Directors and faculty members. The participants chanted slogans against corruption and urged the society to come forward for its eradication.
Addressing the walk, Dr. Masoom Yasinzai said that corruption is a global phenomenon which has crippled the societies. He said that Youth is the best utilizable source to get rid of the menace of corruption. He stressed upon youth to work for the cause of corruption eradication and termed youth as a vital force which he said has capacity to defeat the growing menace of corruption. Dr. Masoom said that developing countries are the main victims of corruption where educational institutions can play pivotal role in curbing this disease of society.
He furthered that every year 5% of global GDP goes in bribery which he termed unfortunate and urged the youth to step forward against corruption by applying Islam’s message of transparency. He assured that IIUI would be found in leading ranks against the corruption and such activities would continue from varsity platform.