International Islamic university, Islamabad
THE ERASMUS MUNDUS SCHOLARSHIP FOR THE STUDENTS, STAFF AND FACULTY OF IIU Introduction to Erasmus Mundas Scholarship : Erasmus Mundus is the international counterpart of the Erasmus programme, which is named after the Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, who studied in different monastic schools in Europe in the 15th century. ‘Mundus’ is Latin for world, meaning the name ‘Erasmus Mundus programme’ stands for the International version of the Erasmus programme. It was created on 5 December 2003, gazetted on 31 December 2003 in the official journal of the European Union and became an official programme on 20 January 2004 Objectives:The main general objective, from the European Union’s Lisbon Strategy, is to make Europe ‘the most competitive and knowledge-based economy in the world and a reference for high quality and excellence in education’. There are over 100 masters programmes designed to help this happen; the full list can be found on the European Commission website. Specific objectives are:
The Erasmus Mandus External Cooperation window (EM ECW): The EM ECW is a cooperation and mobility scheme in the area of higher education cooperation launched by Europe Aid Cooperation Office and implemented by the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture. EM ECW is designated to foster cooperation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Third World Countries through a cooperation and mobility scheme addressing students and academic staff. Partnership of IIU in Erasmus Mandus Scholarship Lot 11: Faculty of Shariah & Law, Women Section submitted a project for scholarships and Faculty exchange under EM ECW in 2008. Dr Farkhnda Zia Professor Department of Law under the guidance of Dr Anwar H. Siddiqui in consultation with Dr.Muhammad Zia Ul-Haq submitted IIU Project for the Scholarship. The proposal of IIU was accepted and IIU was declared Partner in Lot-11.IIU is the First University in Public sector of Pakistan, which has been declared partner of this Scholarship Scheme. IIU was invited to attend the pre-meeting and Summit of EM ECW Lot 11. Erasmus Mandus Scholarship Summit : On the recommendation of Dean, Faculty of Shariah & Law, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, Chairman, Department of Shariah was nominated by the IIU to attended the pre-meeting in Nepal from 30.09-2009 to 01.10.2009 and EM ECW Summit in India from 06.10.2009 to 10.10.2009. In which the scholarships for IIU were approved. Scholarships for IIU Students, Faculty and Staff : In the Summit, the Project Coordinator and main partner institution Vrije University Brussel, Belgium informed that following scholarships have been allocated to International Islamic University, Islamabad (mainly for Faculty of Shariah & Law, Female Campus):-
Fringe Benefits of the Erasmus Mandus Scholarship : In addition to above mentioned monthly allowance, the scholarship also includes:
Responsibilities of IIU in Erasmus Mandus Scholarships : As per Consortium Agreement, IIU has to organize and implement the activities of the project which involves selection of the candidates, arrangements of their placements in partner European Universities, arrangements of the mobility of the scholars and other activities as required by the project. Therefore, IIU has to appoint a Project Team to administer the activities of the project. IIU in Erasmus Mandus Scholarships Project Team : On the Recommendation of Dean Faculty of Shariah & Law, President IIU has approved following IIU Project team for implementation of the Project. The Project team is notified by the Directorate of Academics Vide No. IIU/D(Acad)-92/2009-9051 dated 26-10-2009: EM ECW IIU LOT 11 PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE
EM ECW IIU LOT 11 PROJECT DIRECTOR : Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, EM ECW IIU LOT 11 PROJECT COORDINATOR : Ms. Samina Bashir, Responsibilities of IIU Erasmus Mandus Project Team : IIU Project Team is responsible for administration of the process of selection of candidates through an open call based on objective criteria in a transparent manner. The Project Team is also responsible to coordinate the other activities of the Project and mobility of students and staff from IIU to partner European universities. Selection Criteria for Erasmus Mandus Programme : A-Criteria for Undergraduate Scholarship :
B-Criteria for Post Graduate Scholarship:
C-Criteria for PhD 22 Months Scholarship:
D-Criteria for PhD 34 Months Scholarship:
E-Criteria for Post Doc and Faculty/Staff Exchange: The Criteria for Post Doc and Faculty Exchange is placed at the Project Website http://lot11.emecw.com. The same will be adopted for Post Doc and Faculty Exchange. Minimum Eligibility and Dead lines for submission of Application under Erasmus Mundas IIU Scholarship:
Target Groups : TARGET GROUP 1: Students and academic staff registered in International Islamic University, Islamabad. Target Group 1 must represent at least 50% of the total mobility European mobility is limited to a maximum of 30% of the total Mobility Scholarships TARGET GROUP 2: Nationals of Pakistan who are not enrolled in IIU are also eligible for following scholarships:
In addition to above mentioned monthly allowance, the scholarship also includes:
The target Group will directly apply for the Scholarship at the website of main partner Vrije University Brussel, Belgium(www.vub.ac.be/english) http://www.lot11.emecw.com/ email: [email protected] Partner Institutions and web Address of Lot 11
The IIU selected Students can study in the following Universities:
Note for Academic Staff ScholarshipsApplications for postdoctoral and academic staff scholarships will be welcomed from November 2009. Postdoctoral scholarships are for a period of 6/10 months, whereas academic staff scholarships are for 1 month. Candidates for these scholarships should have a mission that must completely match the long term plans of their sending institution. After their scholarship period, they will also be involved in the further setting up of mobility. The explicit mission of academic staff candidates is outlined by the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency as Under:
Note for Post Doctoral ScholarshipsCandidates are invited to check out the websites of the partner institutions in order to find a suitable department or research unit. The application form for postdoctoral candidates is available Here. Duly completed forms can be sent to [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it from November 2009. Incomplete applications will be discarded. Academic staff candidates are invited to retrieve the application form from the EM ECW coordinator at their sending institution and to return the completed form to them. Academic staff applications cannot be accepted directly, only through the local EM ECW coordinators. Terms & Conditions of the Scholarship :
For further details and information please contact:
Ms.Samina Bashir Coordinator International Islamic University, Erasmus Mundus Office Faculty of Shariah & Law (Women Section) Sector H-10,Post Code 44000,Islamabad, Pakistan Phone No.+92-51-9257981. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] The further details of LOT 11 are available at:
Click Here to download Application Form for POSTDOCTORAL Scholarships (Word Format) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Click Here to download Application Form for Under Graduate, Post Graduate and PhD Scholarships (Word Format) |