Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), in collaboration with Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD) organized a seminar on “Tolerance among University Students: Prospects and Challenges”.

Prof. Dr. Qibla Ayaz, Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) as keynote speaker of seminar discussed prospects and challenges of tolerance among university youth. His lecture outlined the guidelines for youth regarding civilized, well balanced and composed humans in the post-globalized world. He highlighted the negativity of capitalism and stressed the youth to prepare themselves for the post-CPEC Pakistani economy.

Prof. Dr. Mansoor Akbar Kundi was the chief guest of the acivity who stressed upon youth to apply Islamic values in practical lives.

Dean, FSS, Prof. Dr. Samina Malik welcomed the participant and emphasized on the importance of the issue in contemporary indolent society. Dr. Husnul Amin Executive Director IRD expressed his views on the rapid changes in society and frustration that is coming with the society transformation and called for a collective discussion to solve the issue.

Earlier, Dr. Hazir Ullah- Deputy Dean Faculty of Social Sciences-on the behalf of Sociology Department, extended vote of thanks to Chairman Council of Islamic ideology and all participants of the seminar.  Dr. Hazir also said that we should learn and try to protect, respect and accept diversity.  He added that it will make us to be a tolerant in the society.

Female and male students of FSS, faculty members and  chairpersons from all social sciences Departments attended the seminar.