IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
Project Development: Micro project, Macro project, Mega project
Water Resources Management: storm/flood water control and management; Flood forecast and analysis, wastewater management, Water supply and distribution; Water demand forecasting; water consumption trends; Water resources; groundwater; water saving technologies; Rainwater harvesting; Grey water recycling;
Ocean energy; wave and tidal; conversion of wave, tidal and salinity gradient; wave energy technology; Tidal Energy; Wave energy conversion principles, machinery, control principles, materials, moorings, installation, operation and maintenance; The development of tidal turbines, horizontal and vertical axis tidal turbine, oscillating hydrofoil
2-Renewable Energy
Clean renewable energy, alternative/renewable sources for power, large-scale incorporation of renewable energy, grid-connection, design and manufacturing of renewable energy plant, connection with LT lines, sustainable energy supply
Green technology/renewable industry
Geothermal energy, geothermal energy with heat and cold storage in the ground, thermal Storage; molten salt storage system; Concrete storage
Biogas: bio-fuels, biogas production,large scale biogas heat and electricity production; technologies for biogas cogeneration, gas turbines and fuel cells; biogas grid connection; biogas transportation, production, storage, fuelling and distribution; biogas from organic waste, Industrial waste & waste water; biogas from sewage treatment plants; biogas production from animal manure gasifying high yield from crops; biogas role in the renewable energy supply systems
Wind power/energy:
Offshore wind projects development and prospects, greenfield and brownfield sites; efficiency and output of wind power plant, sources of technology, components and manufacturing; drivers for joint wind and solar power plants; technology of seamless interworking of wind and solar equipment; potential of offshore wind farms technology options; power generators technology; innovations in turbine technology; technologies for wind forecasting, measurement and meteorological data analysis; offshore Sites for Maximum Power Generation; wind Forecasting to Power Levels; wind resource aerodynamics and structural dynamics; new conceptual designs and technologies
3-Solar power generation systems and technologies
Solar Technologies and System Engineering: solar energy for rural and remote locations; solar energy power plant; operational efficiency of solar power plant; advanced photovoltaic technologies; concentrator; photovoltaics; application of photovoltaic on grid; establishing indigenous production of photovoltaic; photovoltaic systems; photovoltaic Solar Electricity; Organic-based PV; polymer PV and hybrid approaches; components for pv systems and manufacturing technology; large PV Power Plants; high Penetration of Distributed PV; solar thermal technologies; Solar cells; solar cell materials and technologies; silicon solar cells; integrating solar into future grid supplies, dye-sensitized cells and modules, carbon nanotubes
Terrestrial Concentrator Systems: Materials and processing for very-high efficiency cells
Efficient silicon production technologies; wafer-based silicon; Mono- and Multicrystalline Silicon Materials and Cells;
Thin film solar cells technology: Ternary Thin Film Solar Cells; CdTe Solar Cells
Inverters and grid interfacing; Connecting Concentrated Solar Power to the grid system
Batteries; charge regulators, mounting structures, trackers, cabling, measurements and testing, standardization, and regulations.
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP); CSP industry; CSP Technology; CSP plant precise engineering, synergies and R&D; Global Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Industry; Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR) technology; torresol Energies; advantages with regard to other CSP concepts
4-Energy Systems and Technology
All energies such as: blue energy, clean energy, energy production for the future,
Global energy outlook, key energy industry, energy automation systems
energy supply systems, services, efficient use, operation and storage
Advanced energy systems: Fusion Plasmas, Lasers, Radiation, Nanomagnetism,
Spintronics, electrochemical energy systems etc
Energy and the Economy
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy Technologies
Transportation Energy Systems
Thermofluids and Thermodynamics of Energy Systems
Energy Science and Technology
Distributed energy technology
Energy and Environment
5-Fossil fuels power generation systems and technologies
Conversion technologies for heat and power applications
Equipment and Technology
CO2 reduction technologies
6-Nuclear power generation systems and technologies
Advances in Nuclear Power Technology Development, advanced small reactors, safer new reactor designs, cheaper models, national and worldwide nuclear plant safety regulation and standards, environmental impacts of nuclear power plant, the future of nuclear power, role of the fuel cycle in a nuclear power program, fuel procurement, used fuel management, reprocessing fuel, underground nuclear reactors and subterranean power generation,
NPP materials fatigue, embrittlement study and NPP reliability, life enhancement analysis,
NPP technology transfer
Condensed matter nuclear science
Fusion device engineering
Innovative transmutation systems
Best practice waste management techniques and safety
7- Energy Applications of Nanotechnology
Nanomaterials for energy technology, fuel cell technologies and for hydrogen production and storage
Nanotechnology for efficient energy conversion
Functional surfaces and nanostructured coatings for energy systems
Selective nanostructured absorbers for thermal collectors
Semiconductor processing for nano-energy solutions
8-Mixed Topics
New technologies such as high power batteries, fuel cell, carbon and Li+ materials structures, electrolytes and other material developments, energy storage products and ultra capacitors.
Hybrid components, advances in the combination of battery and ultracapacitor structures to optimize performance for specific applications or characteristics.
Smart grids, microgrid, energy storage in smart grid.
Smart Meters
Quantum energy technology
Renewable fuels for transportation.
Zero emission buildings, greenhouse gas emissions, green building, building blocks for high efficiency energy storage