IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
Dr. Noor Fatima, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Politics and International Relations (P&IR) of International Islamic University (IIU) brings laurels to institution by earning US Department of Education’s Martin Luther King Jr. Award as maiden woman of South Asian descent. Being the first woman of South Asian descent to win the award, she...Read More
Dr. Ahmed bin Yousif Al-Draiweesh concluded the activities of the scientific program held at King Faisal Mosque organized by the Academy of Da’wa in which students of schools, and colleges and university learnt about Sunnah, its sciences, biography of Holy Prophet (PBUH), history of Islam, jurisprudence and its origins. Dr. Al-Draiweesh also inaugurated the Quran...Read More
A mosque endowed by The United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the students of International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) was inaugurated here at new campus by the Ambassador of Emirates), H.E. Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem Al-Zaabi along with IIUI President Dr. Ahmed Yousfi Al-Draiweesh. The Mosque is built near the male hostels at new campus of...Read More
A seminar titled “Striving Together for Thalassemia Free Pakistan” was arranged by Department of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology to mark the World Thalassemia day at Allama Iqbal Auditorium, Faisal Masjid Campus of International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI). The event was held in collaboration with Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Punjab Thalassemia Prevention Program, Thalassemia Center, Bait-ul-Mal...Read More
Chairman Department of Psychology and Director Academics , International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) Dr. Muhammad Tahir Khalily delivered a lecture on Psycho social support for psychiatric patients at Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad. He gave a scholarly talk on the subject which was appreciated by the clinicians , psychologists and Psychiatrist fraternity. On the occasion, he...Read More
BARRISTER SULTAN MAHMOOD EX-PM AJK CALLED ON RECTOR, IIUI Barrister Sultan Mahmood, Ex Prime Minister, AJK, Called on Rector, IIUI at his Office. During meeting Prof. Dr. Muhammad Masoom Yasinzi, Rector International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) said that the University will continue to play its role nationally and internationally to highlight vital issues of Kashmir....Read More
WOMEN WELFARE SHOULD OUR PRIME RESPONSIBILITY: SYED ZEESHAN ALI, DY. MAYOR ISLAMABAD A prize distribution ceremony of 27th Cultural Week’s activities & Sports Gala 2017-2018 held here at Auditorium, Fatima tuz Zahra Block, Female Campus of International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI). Deputy Mayor of Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad, Syed Zeeshan Ali and Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousef...Read More
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al Draiweesh, President, International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) has called for meaningful role of educational institutions in the development of society. He was addressing the inaugural ceremony of a two days international seminar titled “Needs of Society and Qualification of Graduates” held at Allama Iqbal Auditorium, Faisal Masjid Campus (IIUI) organized...Read More
Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan, Omar Zakhilwal called on Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh, President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) at his office. During the meeting, issues pertaining to mutual interests and educational cooperation were discussed. The ambassador hailed IIUI that it is providing quality education to the students of Muslim world. He said that university produced...Read More
Department of Environmental Science (Female Campus) conducted a one day seminar on “Water Pollution and Waste Management” for the students of the department. It was conducted in collaboration with Pakistan Environment Protection Agency. Director General Pak-EPA Ms. Farzana Altaf Shah graced the occasion and delivered a lecture on importance of water resources in Pakistan with...Read More