IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
Prof. Dr. Masoom Yasinzai, International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) represented IIUI in at the Beijing Forum in China where he discussed issues pertaining to inter-civilization dialogue, peace and academic excellence. The Beijing Forum is an annual event placed under the auspices of the Beijing Municipal Government. It is endorsed by the State Council and the...Read More
Department of Law of the Faculty of Shariah and Law of the International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI), as part of its ‘Distinguished Alumni Lecture Series’, arranged a lecture of Mr. Nazir Brohi at the male campus. Mr. Niaz Brohi is a proud alumnus of International Islamic University. He studied LL.B (Hons) and LL.M from IIU...Read More
In view of rally in Islamabad, and likely traffic congestion / road blockages in the twin cities, IIUI will remain closed on Monday 04th November 2019.Read More
It is informed that now Mid Term Examinations shall commence from 11th November, 2019. All worthy Deans and heads of departments should plan accordingly. This information is desimmnated in consultation with Vice President (Academics) and Vice President (HSR). Regards INAM UL HAQ Director Examinations.Read More
The mid term examination scheduled to commence from Thursday, have been deferred for one week. According to A/Director Academics, Syed Naveed Ehtesham mid term exam have been deferred. Please stay in touch for latest updates in this regard, the information will be uploaded on website, official facebook page (iiu.isbpk) and official twitter page (iiui_official).Read More
In view of upcoming rally in Islamabad and likely traffic congestion / road blockages in the twin cities, IIUI will remain closed on Thursday 31st Oct and Friday 1st November 2019.Read More
Dr. Saba Ashraf, an Assistant Professor at Sulaiman Abalkhail- Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences (SA-CIRBS) of the International Islamic University (Islamabad) brought fame to the varsity as she has been nominated for the Nobel Lindau Laureates Meeting 2020. Dr. Saba is among the 10 shortlisted candidates who have been nominated by the Higher...Read More
The 42nd Faculty Board Meeting of Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS) of International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) held here at New Campus of the university, which was chaired by Professor Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh, President, IIUI. The board discussed research proposals of the MS and PhD scholars and masters students who have already defended their...Read More
Ambassador of Oman Shiekh Mohammad Omar Al-Marhoon called on President International University Islamabad (IIUI) Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh at his office. In the meeting, matters pertaining to the educational cooperation and mutual interests were discussed. On the occasion, both the officials agreed to take further steps for expanding mutual cooperation. During the meeting President...Read More