Muhammad Nauman

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Department of Education organized a seminar on “Enhancement of Academic and Creative Writing Skills Among Students” at new campus of International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI). The purpose of the seminar was to motivate the students to write for educational magazine titled ‘Educators Pakistan’ which has been launched by the Department of Education for  students  to...
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President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI), Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh visited Jamiya Ashrafia , Lahore, where he met the leadership of the institution and called upon the Muslim world to forge unity among the ranks in his address. The IIUI President was received by the Head, Jamiya Ashrafia, Lahore Maulana Fazl Raheem and Nazim of...
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Arabic language is a distinguished one among other languages as it is the language of Holy Quran, said President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI), Dr. Ahed Yousif Al-Draiweesh addressing the orientation session of Sunday Arabic Learning Program at Faculty of Arabic. Dr. Al-Draiweesh said that a Muslim keeps using Arabic language all the day as...
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A book “ Pak-Saudi Relations” authored by renowned academician, researcher, intellectual and International Islamic University, (IIU), President, Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh has been lunched in its both English and Arabic versions. The ceremony of the launching of the book was held here at Faisal Masjid campus of the IIU on the sidelines of an international...
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President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI), Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh hosted a luncheon in the hnour of the dignitaries and guest speakers of an international seminar on “ contributions of Muslim world in creation of Pakistan: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) an example” at Faisal Masjid campus of the university. The luncheon was hosted at...
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STABILITY OF PAKISTAN IS STABILITY OF MUSLIM WORLD: KSA AMBASSADOR Pakistan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) playing vital role in progress of Muslim world and all the Islamic countries must gather on a platform to discuss the issues such as terrorism and devise a policy to eradicate such menaces. This was the crux of...
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President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) has called upon the researchers of the Muslim world to conduct research which must be relevant to the requirements of society. This he said during his visit to the labs of various departments at male and female campuses. Dr. Al-Draiweesh visited department of bio informatics and bio technology, Environmental...
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President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI), Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Dariweesh visited Sulaiman Bin Abdullah Aba Al-Khail – Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Science (SA-CIRBS) at male campus in Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences. IIUI President was briefed by Dr. Abdul Hameed, head of the Centre, regarding the activities and performance of the department. ...
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حرصاً من معالي رئيس الجامعة الأستاذ الدكتور أحمد بن يوسف الدريويش على متابعة شؤون الجامعة الإدارية والأكاديمية للتأكد على جودة وحسن العمل، واهتماما من معاليه بجميع كليات وأقسام الجامعة التقى معاليه برؤسات ورئيسات الأقسام لكلية العلوم الاجتماعية وذلك يوم الثلاثاء الساعة الثانية عشرة ظهراً في قاعة كلية العلوم الاجتماعية. وقد حضر اللقاء الأستاذ الدكتور بشير...
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President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh visited Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) at new campus where he met all the heads of the departments of the faculty. During the meeting, matters related to academics, issues of teachers and students and overall performance was reviewed. IIUI President urged all the departments for...
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