IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
A three days workshop on “Academic and Creative Writing Practice” was organized by the Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, FSS, International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI), in collaboration with Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al Draiweesh, President (IIU) was the chief guest in the concluding session of the workshop. During...Read More
Department of Urdu at female campus organized a research meeting to mull over synopses of its PhD scholars in terms of frame work, time frame, study scope perspective, critical review and decide the worth of the proposed studies. This synopses defense activity was joined by Chairperson Urdu department Dr. Najeeba Arif, faculty members and students...Read More
A high level International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) delegation headed by the varsity President Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh attended ISESCO 22nd Executive Council Meeting in Rabat. IIUI delegation was comprised of IIUI President, Dr. Al-Draiweesh, IRD Executive Director Dr. Husn ul Amin and Advisor to the President on International Affairs Dr Ashraf Abdul Rafea. Mr....Read More
A high level International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) delegation headed by the varsity President Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh visited University of Sedi Muhammed bin Abadullah Fas, Morocco where it met with Moroccan varsity’s top leadership and also participated in a seminar. IIUI delegation was comprised of IIUI President, Dr. Al-Draiweesh, IRD Executive Director Dr. Husn...Read More
حکومت جامع تعلیمی منصوبے پر کام کر رہی ہے ، یکساں نصاب متعارف کرایا جائے گا، وفاقی وزیر تعلیم وفاقی وزیر تعلیم و پیشہ ورانہ تربیت شفقت محمود نے کہا ہے کہ ناخواندگی موجودہ ملکی چیلنجز میں سرفہرست ہے، حکومت ملک میں رائج نظامات تعلیم میں عدم مساوات کے خاتمے کے لیے سرگرم ہے جبکہ...Read More
سعودی عرب، پاکستان اتحاد امت میں کردار کے لیے کلیدی ممالک ہیں: شرکاء اسلام احترام رائے اور امن و سلامتی کا درس دیتا ہے، پیر نورالحق قادری بین الاقوامی ااسلامی یونیورسٹی کے ادارہ تحقیقات اسلامی کے زیر اہتمام “اتحاد امت و فروغ امن میں پاکستان اور سعودی عرب کا کردار “کے موضوع پر منعقدہ...Read More
Describing illiteracy as a bigger challenge prevailing in the country, Federal Education Minister , Shafqat Mehmood said Wednesday that government is working to bring a well devised educational plan to deal with the issue of illiteracy on war footings and a uniformed educational curriculum will be introduced. “Prevailing disparity in various educational systems is causing...Read More
Participants of a seminar at International Islamic University (IIU) describing Pakistan and KSA as major players of Muslim unity opined that 1.8 billion Muslims across the world must address challenges with a collective approach and unison. Seminar titled “Role of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Pakistan in Promotion of Muslim Unity and Social peace:...Read More
The 74th meeting of academic council of the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) was held under the chairmanship of President IIUI, Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh. The meeting was attended by Vice-Presidents, deans, Director Academics and heads of departments and other faculty. It was also attended by Ms. Razina Alam Khan, (Ex-Senator, Senate of Pakistan) and Prof. Dr....Read More
صدر اسلامی یونیورسٹی کی جامعہ میں کشمیر چیئر بنانے کی تجویز ، شرکاءکی تائید کشمیر کا بیانیہ نصاب کا جزو لازم ہو، میڈیا، تعلیمی ادارے مسئلہ کشمیر بارے آگاہی میں کردار ادا کریں، شرکاء بین الاقوامی اسلامی یونیورسٹی میں ”مقبوضہ کشمیر میں انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزیاں“ کے عنوان سے منعقدہ قومی کانفرنس کے شرکاءنے...Read More