Muhammad Nauman

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A training and awareness session on Microsoft Office (MoS) training and certification was held here at female campus of International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI. Senator Rukhsana Zuberi was the resource person in the event who apprised about assessments of skills and knowledge to  students about understanding of Microsoft Office. She also talked about value of...
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  کل پاکستان بین الجامعاتی تقریری مقابلوں کے سلسلے میں 18 ویں علامہ اقبال شیلڈ ایوارڈ کے مقابلوں کا دوسرا مرحلہ بین الاقوامی اسلامی یونیورسٹی اسلام کے فیصل مسجد کیمپس میں منعقد ہوا۔علامہ اقبال شیلڈ کے علاقائی مقابلوں میں انیس یونیورسٹیوں کے چالیس سے زائدطلباءو طالبات کے مابین مقابلہ ہوا۔ شعبہ انگریزی اور اردو کے...
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Department of Sociology of the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) Organized one Day Seminar on the “Right to Information”. The seminar was arranged by the department in collaboration with Sustainable Social Development Organization (SSDO) at Lincoln Corner of Central Library. The Seminar was attended by Faculty members, female and male students from the Department of...
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 The President of Pakistan Library Association, Islamabad, Azim Khan Marwat has expressed complete solidarity with International Islamic University Islamabad and its administration. In a letter of solidarity written by the President, PLA, to Rector and President, IIUI, the Pakistan Library Association has showed its serious concerns over erroneous media reporting about IIUI Library. Affirming solidarity...
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The second round of 18th all Pakistan inter-universities competition for the award of “Allama Iqbal Shield” was held here at International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) at its Faisal Masjid campus. Second round of regional competition for the Allama Iqbal Shield was attended by more than 40 contestants from 19 universities in which students of National...
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Arabic Language Lab was inaugurated here at Faculty of Arabic ( Female Campus ) by President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) Dr. Ahmad Yousif Al-Draiweesh. The Arabic Language Scientific Lab has been equipped and furnished under the Higher Education Commission (HEC)’s project namely “Provision of grants to repair & maintenance /up gradation of scientific equipment “granted...
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President, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI), Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh presided a closing ceremony of a workshop titled “Reconstructing the Pakistani Islamic Society in the Light of the Paigham e Pakistan” at Islamic Research Center at the University of Gujrat (UoG). The workshop was joint venture in cooperation with Department of Islamic Studies, University of...
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استاد قوم کا معمار اور ترقی کا ضامن ہوتا ہے، ڈاکٹر الدریویش             بین الاقوامی اسلامی یونیورسٹی میں اساتذہ کے عالمی دن کے موقع پر واک کا اہتمام کیا گیا جس میں صدر جامعہ ڈاکٹر احمد یوسف الدریویش ،سینئر عہدیدران اور فیکلٹی ممبران و طلباءنے شرکت کی۔ واک کا اہتمام جامعہ کے شعبہ ایجوکیشن نے...
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International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) marked the World Teachers’ Day and conducted a walk at its new campus on Friday. IIUI President, Prof Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh led the walk which was organized by education department in the supervision dean Faculty of Social Sciences Dr. Samina Malik. A large number participation of Chairpersons, HoDs, faculty...
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  افتتح معالي رئيس الجامعة الأستاذ الدكتور أحمد يوسف الدريويش ظهر يوم الأربعاء الموافق 3/10/2018م معملاللغةالعربيةالسمعيوالبصري في كلية اللغة العربية قسم الطالبات الذي تم إنشاءه بالتعاون مع هيئة التعليم العالي. وعقد الحفل لافتتاح المعمل في قسم الطالبات بالجامعة وحضره أساتذة وأستاذات الكلية والطالبات. وأكد معالي رئيس الجامعة في كلمته على استخدام الوسائل التعليمية لتفهيم الطلاب...
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