IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
Title: SeminarDescription: Seminar on “War of Words: American MEdia and popular narratives since 9/11” By Dr Muhammad Safeer Awan & “9/11 and urdu literature: image and illusions” by Dr Najeeba Arif At Islamic Research Institute Auditorium,IIU, Faisal /Mosque Campus, IslamabadStart Time: 02:30 PMDate: 2010-06-24End Time: 03:00 PMRead More
Title: Seminar Description: Department of Software Engineering (DSE) has organized a one-day workshop Global Software Engineering: Challenges, Opportunities & Organizational Readiness, on 15th July 2010 at Main Campus, International Islamic University, Islamabad. This workshop will be conducted by Dr. Mahmood Niazi from Keele University UK. The workshop aims to bring together Software Engineering practitioners and...Read More
Title: Inauguration Link out: Click hereDescription: Ms Parveen Qadir Agha and Dr Muhammad Zia ul Haq arranged the inauguration of the october 2009 blast affected area of the faculty of Sharia and Law and Establishment of the library, committe and Moot court room of the faculty of Sharia and Law. Chief Guests Professor Fateh Muhammad...Read More
Title: Seminar Link out: Click hereDescription: Seminar for PhD Scholars Arranged by Faculty of Arabic Female Campus.Start Time: 11:30AMDate: 2010-05-05End Time: 12:00PMRead More
Title: Lecture Description: Islamic Research Institute & Iqbal International Institute for REsearch and Design arranged a lecture on “Ulama and Dehli Madrasah” By Dr Gulfishan Khan. At Islamic Research Institute Auditorium, Faisal Masjid Campus, International Islamic University Islamabad.Start Time: 11:00Date: 2010-05-04End Time: 11:30Read More
Title: LectureLink out: Click hereDescription: Islamic Research Institute & Iqbal International Institute for REsearch and Design arranged a lecture on “Ulama and Dehli Madrasah” By Dr Gulfishan Khan. At Islamic Research Institute Auditorium, Faisal Masjid Campus, International Islamic University Islamabad.Date: 2010-07-30Read More
Title: LectureDescription: Islamic Research Institute & Iqbal International Institute for REsearch and Design arranged a lecture on “Ulama and Dehli Madrasah” By Dr Gulfishan Khan. At Islamic Research Institute Auditorium, Faisal Masjid Campus, International Islamic University Islamabad.Start Time: 11:00AMDate: LectureEnd Time: 11:30AMRead More
Title: SeminarLink out: Click hereDescription: Tasawwuf Seminar: Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi Federal For Foreign Affairs will be the Chief Guest. Prof Fateh Muhammad Hussain Qureshi Rector, IIU will preside over the occasion.Date: 2010-05-03Read More