The campus has an Ideal location having a spacious faculty block, with airy class-rooms, Hostels, well equipped IT labs, Language lab, Medical Centre, Auditorium, Video conferencing room, Recourse room, and a Bank Booth etc with green belts surrounding the building and parking areas. Work pertaining to expansion and construction is going on steadily. The recent projects completed and functioning include two new Girls Hostels accommodating above 1000 students and a Cafeteria cum shopping Complex. The matters related with plantation and horticulture are also improving steadily. There are spacious lawns, canopies, shady trees, and rockeries which form part of natural topography and provide a learning conducive environment for students.
A diversity of co-curricular Activities ranging from Sports, Athletes, Debates, Declamations, Seminars, Symposia, Lectures, Workshops, Exhibitions, Excursions, visits to Centers of Excellence, philanthropic activities like blood donation etc are held under the banner of students’ advisor. These activities add color to the monotony of academic routine and bring out the latent potential of youth. These are vital for personality development and grooming of youth.
An air conditioned auditorium having a capacity to accommodate 180/250 students provides a forum for organizing seminars, workshops, orientation programs and miscellaneous academic activities, and is the most wanted place in the campus. It is well equipped with multimedia, sound system, air conditioning, and aesthetically appeasing layout. Opposite to the auditorium, a well furnished and well equipped resource room, having sound system, multimedia, and allied facilities, is used for holding meetings, workshops, seminars and other academic activities.