Message of the Rector
We, in the International Islamic University, Islamabad, consider ourselves privileged to be associated with this unique centre of learning in the Muslim world which strives to combine the essentials of the Islamic faith with the best of modern knowledge.
It is our good fortune that with a faculty comprising scholars from many other Muslim countries of the world and from Pakistan itself, we perform the task of producing young Muslim men and women, graduates, post-graduates and PhDs, armed with confidence in themselves and in their Islamic heritage, to face the problems of a fast progressing world.

The IIU web portal is meant to lay before the youth, the academicians, scholars and the enlightened public of Pakistan the aims and objects of the International Islamic University along with the range and scope of the disciplines it offers. These noble traditions have taught us that, for to be properly educated, they must be fully acquainted with the principles of their faith as well as prepared and trained to pursue a profession in the secular field of their choice, whether it is science and technology or computers or business administration or languages or any other.

I take this opportunity to invite those who visit this website to pay a visit to the Islamic University and see for themselves how we train young men and women to forge ahead in the modern world as bright and clear headed Muslims.

Professor Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed,
Phone: +92 51 2254707, 2253479, 9260544, 9261761-5 Ext. 201, 214, 216
Phone: +92 51 9258018, 9019214
Email: [email protected]
Former IIUI Rectors