Message from the Dean

It gives me great pleasure to extend to you a very warm welcome on behalf of the Faculty of Sciences (FS). We look forward each year with great anticipation to the arrival of our new students and to the contributions they will make to the campus life. Currently more than 2600 students are enrolled in the bachelor, master’s and doctoral degree programmes while there are more than 80 faculty members, including 20 PhDs employed in the faculty.


The Faculty of Sciences was established in 2003 and comprises of the following departments

Biological Sciences

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Science (SA-CIRBS)

Environmental Science

Mathematics & Statistics


The primary focus of the FS is teaching and research. We offer a very broad range of courses and programs of study. All the courses that are offered to students at different levels are designed to prepare not only skilled professionals but also good human beings. Learning and growth at IIUI is not confined to the class rooms but other kinds of opportunities are around in abundance. Each student has the advantage of having interaction with people from many different backgrounds, culture and interests. There are many people around who are ready and willing to provide assistance and advices; students need only to ask.

Why Study Here?

Our permanent faculty is a dynamic and growing community of scholars active in most of the principal areas of research in Science and Technology. We have also succeeded in receiving cooperation and assistance from the highly qualified and learned academicians in the twin cities in the form of Adjunct Faculty for our research programme in different departments.

If you are a prospective undergraduate or graduate student in ,Biotechnology, Environment Sciences, Mathematics, Physics or Statistics, please come to visit us at IIUI– we always have time to welcome and entertain new and talented students.

Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad
051-9019514 - 051-9257930
[email protected]

About FS
Our Mission
Our Approach

The Faculty of Sciences was formally established in the first quarter of 2003. The design and planning had been in process for many years. The Faculty of Sciences has the objective to serve the purpose of human resource development, as well as, promote activities of research and development in disciplines of applied mathematics and other important areas of emerging sciences. For this purpose postgraduate level programs like MS and Ph.D have been launched besides the graduate level degrees like BS and MCS / M.Sc. With this it has started some innovative study programs to produce professionals with the technical expertise of Information Technology and a sound knowledge of other important areas of life like biotechnology, engineering, and management etc. The Faculty of Sciences is concentrating on the specialized training of manpower in areas of computer science, computer engineering, telecommunication, and other emerging technologies of applied sciences. In order to properly entertain each discipline, the faulty is divided into several departments each producing professional expertise in a specialized domain.

Our mission is to produce leaders in the fields of emerging sciences for the 21st century who can face the ever-changing requirements of modern digital economies with vision, courage and competence. The Faculty strives to produce the manpower that will contribute towards the development of Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah to gain a competitive edge in the global village. This is achieved by providing state of the art knowledge and skills required and in vogue in the fast changing business world along with sound social and ethical values of Islam.

The Faculty strives to produce the manpower that will contribute towards the development of Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah to gain a competitive edge in the global village. This is achieved by providing state of the art knowledge and skills required and in vogue in the fast changing business world along with sound social and ethical values of Islam.

The Career Counseling Center of the Faculty of Sciences has been established to provide the students with an opportunity to have a single point of contact in case they are need advice and / or help with a number of areas.
The following services are provided by the Center
Career Counseling
Facilitates the students in finding the right career path, advice on how to
  Build an effective Resume
  Interview Skills
  How to deal with office politics
  How to deal with different situation at work
  How to effectively follow up after an interview
  Change in Career advice
  How to Search for a good job

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