Finance and Planning Committee
The Finance and Planning Committee considers the annual statement of accounts and the annual and revised budget estimates of the University and its constituent units and places the budget before the Board of Governors for approval. The Finance and Planning Committee consists of the following members:

(President, IIU – Chairman)
1.         Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shuja Syed,
            President, IIU, Islamabad

One nominee of Board of Trustees (Member)
2.         Vacant

Financial Advisor (Education), Government of Pakistan (Member)
3.         Mr. Munir Ahmad,
            Senior Joint Secretary (Expd-FE&PT),
            Federal Ministry of Education and Professional Training

Chairman, HEC, Islamabad or his nominee (Member)
4.             Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed,
               Chairman, HEC

5.  Dean, of the Faculty or Director General of Institutes / Academies Concerned

Vice-President, Academics (Member)

6.       Prof. Dr. Abdul Raheman
          Vice-President (Academics)

Vice-President (Incharge of Planning Finance and Administration) – Member/Secretary

7.        Prof. Dr. Abdul Raheman
          Vice President (A&F), IIU