1st International Round Table Panel Discussion on
“University Graduates & Sustainable Development 2024”
(1st IRTPD, 2024)
OCTOBER 22, 2024

Venue: Allama Iqbal Auditorium, International Islamic University Islamabad

Introduction of 1st International Round Table Panel Discussion
Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) is organizing 1st International Round table Panel Discussion (Ist IRTPD2024) on University Graduates & Sustainable Development-2024 “.’ This discussion aims at generation, dissemination, advancement and application of practical contributions of university graduates in sustainable development. The discussion will focus on the dynamic landscape of educational practices in achieving the SDGs-2030. It delves into innovative approaches, advancements, and evolving paradigms within the field of education, providing a comprehensive view of the latest developments knowledge at local, regional and international levels in understanding and promoting the role of university graduates in achieving sustainable development goals. Though we are living in the 21” century, but still there are many barriers in the formal education system for preparing the youth to address poverty, child labor and climate change. Therefore, emerging trends in education is crucial for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to adapt to the evolving needs of learners in achieving SDGs 2030.

In this modern era, the ever-changing nature of education, allowing researchers to explore and understand novel strategies that contribute to effective learning outcomes for sustainable development particularly in developing countries. Many higher education institutions are successfully offering academic & professional programs to achieve SDGs-2030. Unfortunately, still major gaps exist in achieving SDGs-2023. Our youth needs practical knowledge to address the severe situation of climate change. The globalization of learning provides many opportunities to the developing countries to realize and achieve the required educational goals. In exploring the fundamental features and challenges faced in teaching today, one needs to look at the role of universities enhancing the concept of learning among students, particularly Social Sciences and community development of developing countries. Therefore, this program will provide a plate form to elaborate the role of university graduates in sustainable development with global trends in education system to successfully achieve SDGs-2023. This discussion will provide a platform to the academicians, professionals, scholars, administrators, policymakers. curriculum developers and researchers to share research based knowledge and furnish valuable recommendations to cope with the challenges of higher education in preparing youth for their practical contribution to achieve sustainable development goals -2030.