CAEPE holds workshop on “Energizing the Future: Flexible Devices and Systems for Versatile Applications”

The Centre for Advanced Electronics & Photovoltaic Engineering (CAEPE), Department of Physics and Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at International Islamic University, Islamabad organized a one-day national workshop and interactive session on “Energizing the Future: Flexible Devices and Systems for Versatile Applications” on 14th May 2024. The workshop was in the backdrop of the concluding year of the large-set international grant under Pak-UK Gateway Program supported by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and British Council, awarded to Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shuja Syed and Dr. Imran Murtaza.

The grant is focused on creating viable solutions for flexible self-powered energy systems while targeting the niche in energy harvesting and energy storage devices. Prestigious research groups from University of Glasgow, University of the West of Scotland and an Oxford based industry are partnering in this project from the United Kingdom. This is the third workshop in the backdrop of the funded project, which showcased some of the tangible outcomes of the grant and also created an opportunity to benefit from some of the most outstanding researchers in the field as well as notable science, technology and innovation leaders.


In the morning session, Dr. Imran Murtaza introduced the project, process and some notable achievements. This was followed by the talks and interactive sessions by the research leaders from across Pakistan in the field including Prof. Dr. Zahir Iqbal (GIKI), Prof. Dr. Saif Ullah Awan (NUST), Prof. Dr. Rashad Ramzan (FAST-NUCES), Prof.Dr. Sabieh Anwar (LUMS) and Dr. Habib Ahmad (IIUI). This was followed by an in-depth panel discussion on the theme: “Relevant and Impactful Research, Technology Exploitation and Commercialization in Pakistan”. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shuja Syed (VP, IIUI), Prof. Dr. Bushra Mirza (Member Research & Innovation, HEC), Prof. Dr. Shafaat Ahmad Bazaz (Founding VC, SIr Syed CASE), Prof. Dr. Zahir Iqbal (GIKI), Prof. Dr. Sabieh Anwar (LUMS), Dr. Mirza Habib Ali (PSF), Dr. Mohammad Ali Mohammad (SZTA) participated in the thought provoking discussion and responded to the observations and questions from the audience.


In the third part of the event, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shuja Syed gave an insight in the technology development and exploitation in the form of intellectual property created out of the grant. The purpose, scope and utility of the invention coming out of IIUI, for the first time, on an international level was provided at length. The innovation in the form of a Flexible Self-powered Module for Versatile Applications was showcased in real and inaugurated by the President, IIUI in the presence of officials from the funding agency and the grantees.


Dr. Hathal Homoud Al-Otaibi, President IIUI, on this occasion felicitated Prof. Shuja and Dr. Imran for this unique and exemplary success story from IIUI, which has set the stage right for the university to mark its innovation for possible technology exploitation and commercialization on an international level. The President urged the faculty members to shape the university’s future with innovation and distinction. The President also shared his vision and termed the success as part of the ecosystem provided by the strategic planning envisaged four years ago. The President also greeted the event organizers for a thriving event with a dedicated student participation in the interactive session.