A “Place of Kindness” has been established at Female Campus of the university that was inaugurated on Thursday by Prof. Dr. Samina Malik, Vice President, Female Campus.
Faculty, staff members and students participated in the inauguration ceremony. Addressing on the occasion Dr. Samina said charity is voluntary giving of help to those in need. She added Raising philanthropic awareness among students and employees is one way to motivate them to contribute towards society. She mentioned that the place will serve as direct channel from rich to the needy. VP female campus opined that it will allow students and employees to donate items (clothes, shoes, food etc) as charity for those who need them but cannot afford them.
Prof. Dr. Samina Malik explained the philosophy of charity and the key motives behind this initiative. She added that the nominated place will not only allow the donors the satisfaction of being able to help the needy directly but also maintains the dignity of the poor students and employees who do not have to ask for their necessary needs. She also encouraged all to generously participate in this activity.
Faculty and staff members appreciated the idea and endowed items related to daily use at t
he place of kindness. Prof. Dr. Samina Malik appreciated the initial response of the faculty members at the place.