Muslim women have power to change the fate of Islamic world, said Dr. Masoom Yasinzai in his address to a webinar held at the Rawalpindi Women University (RWU) on “ Importance of education of women in the light of Seerah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)”.
The webinar was held in connection with Ashra Rehmatul-lil-Almeen (PBUH) being celebrated by Inter Board Committee of Chairman (IBCC) is celebrating various programs with full religious fervor.
Chief Guest of the event was Ms. Wajiha Qamar, Parliamentary Secretary for Higher Education and Professional Training,. It ws also attended by Secretary IBCC, Dr. Ghulam Ali Mallah and Vice Chancellor (RWU), Prof. Dr. Anila Kamal.
Prof. Dr. Masoom Yasinzai expressed that Islam empowered the women and life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a practical example in which women have been given due rights of participation in society and inheritance. He furthered that Islam is staunch supporter of women rights and it actually enlightened the world to provide basic and due right to women.
He added that women can lead the society to a prosperous and sustainable pathway.
IIU Rector called upon young women to come forward with a passion of disseminating Islam’s message of tolerance. He urged the female students to read the lives of the Umhat ul Momineen. Talking about the IIUI’s role in women empowerment in the light of Islamic teachings, Dr. Masoom told at IIU female students have been provided a dedicated and separate campus with female faculty and allied facilities. He said more than 15 thousand female students at IIU’s campus are being nurtured in the light of Islamic values.