Three journals of Islamic Research Institute (IRI) of International Islamic University (IIUI) have successfully made it to Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) HJRS system as the commission recognized journals for year 2021 – 22.
These three journals include Islamic Studies, Al dirasat al Islamiyyah and Fikr o Nazar. In addition, the journal, Islamic Studies (English) has been approved by world’s renowned indexing agency Scopus and it is IIUI’s first journal in social sciences to make it to Scopus . At the same time IRI’s Arabic journal Al dirasaat al Islami has received a comprehensive review report for completion of indexation process.
IIUI leadership has congratulated the Director General IRI Dr. Muhammad Zia ul haq, editorial boards and team members of these journals. It added that this development shall help in improving university ranking as well as it will also be helpful to further improve research standards.
DG IRI, Dr. Muhammad Zia ul Haq commenting on the achievement said that whole team of Islamic Studies, particularly, Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Mumir, Editor and Dr. Muhammad Islam, Associate Editor deserve appreciation. He added that as IRI is working for internationalization of journals, soon Al dirasat al Islamiyyah and Fikro o Nazar will also be indexed in Scopus. He also thanked IIUI President, H. E. Hathal Homoud Alotaibi who is also patron of IRI journals.