A lecture on “Ramadan: A Month of Blessings” was held here at the new campus of the International Islamic University (IIU) that was addressed by renewed scholars and Rector IIU Dr. Masoom Yasinzai. Implementation of SOPs and social distancing were strictly observed during the activity

It was addressed by Dr. Arif Zaman a religious scholar, renowned   mathematician, academic scientist, and a retired professor of Statistics and Mathematics from Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan. He highlighted the importance of education and presence of religion Islam in the life of an individual.  He also discussed weaknesses of the Pakistani education system calling upon the universities to produce research that relates the society, religion and needs of the country.

The lecture was also addressed by Dr. Abdul Ahad, Retired Sq. Ldr., From Pakistan Air Force and a famous Aerospace Engineer who underscored the importance of Dawah and hailed IIU for its services in this regard. On the occasion, views were also expressed by Dr. Athar Farooq who stressed that Islam is the religion of peace, unity and harmony which discourages divisions in a society.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Masoom Yasinzai, Rector IIU said that Muslims should realize their identity and they must portray the real image of an ideal Muslim in the light of the teachings of Islam.

He urged all Muslim to disseminate Islam’s message of peace adding that fasting is all about patience, virtue and peace.  He added that Holy month of Ramadan is an opportunity to get rid of societal issues and mal practices as it makes the minds, souls and actions as limpid as water. Dr. Masoom hoped that Muslims across the world would be able to make Allah almighty happy and get his blessings by practicing the true spirit of the great month.

Vice President (AF&P), Prof. Dr. N.B. Jumani, Vice President (Academics), Prof. Dr. Ayaz Afsar, Vice President (HS&R), Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shujah Syed, Directors General, Deans, Directors and Additional Directors  also attended the lecture.