The Shariah Academy of International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) has published two of the books authored by Prof Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee.
The academy published Revised Edition of the Book titled “General Principles of Criminal Law: Islamic and Western” and First Edition of the Book Titles “The Original Meaning of Hanafi Usul al-Fiqh” Published by the Shari‘ah Academy.
General Principles of Criminal Law: Islamic and Western explains some of the very important aspects of Islamic criminal law, as expounded by the Muslim jurists. The most important contribution of this work is the classification of rights in Islamic law and the way this classification determines the legal consequences of various crimes. Although almost all of the modern scholars mention that the hudud punishments are deemed the rights of Allah by the jurists, Nyazee is – perhaps – the only one to explain the detailed consequences of the classification of crimes on the basis of the affected right.
According to shariah academy, the book “ Original Meaning of Hanafi Usul al-Fiqh” shows that the discipline of Usulu al-fiqh was significantly different from what it turned out to be in the later centuries, which were more theoretical in nature as compared to the earliest texts. As Shafi‘i usulis started wielding greater influence, especially the promotion of a different concept of the Sunnah and a more literal approach, Hanafi writers probably went on the defensive and started incorporating ideas from Shafi`i usul.
Imran Ahsan Khan Nayazee is a former professor of Shari’ah and Law, International Islamic University, Islamabad. He is the author of several books. Among these are: Theories of Islamic Law: The methodology of Ijtihad (1994); Islamic Jurisprudence: Usul al-Fiqh (2000); Islamic Law of Business Organizations: Corporations (1998); Outlines of Islamic Jurisprudence (1998); The Concept of Riba and Islamic Banking (1995).