In the view of global pandemic and closure of university, the Examination Directorate has extended mid-term examination date till April 30th.

According to an official email issued by Director Examination, Mr. Inam ul Haq it was said ” having considerd the internet connectivity & electricity issues being faced by some of our students residing in romote areas, IIUI authorities are pleased to further accommodate our students as follows:D ate for conducting and concluding Mid Term Exams now is extended/ relaxed by 30th April 2020″.

It was also mentioned in the notification that departments shall make convenient schedule for Mid Term Exams by giving sufficient time to students. Till 30th April , Mid Term Exams should be finished/ concluded in all the departments. It added that Mid Term Exams for each course shall be based on an assignment,however, all Deans/ heads/incharges shall be authorised & responsible to further decide & determine to use any other form/ method of conducting Mid Term Exams , if deemed suitable/ convenient for their respective students by keeping in view internet availablity issues and nature/level of courses. The faculty may please be guided by the respective Dean/head ,accordingly.

Note: The matter related to conduct of Final Term Exams, will be decided ,once all Worthy Deans and Heads/incharges give their suggestions by keeping VP Acad in loop ,as conveyed earlier.