Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) of International Islamic University (IIU) organized a training session professional development of the visiting teachers of faculty.
It aimed to enhance pedagogical skills of the visiting faculty through conducting professional development training to improve the quality of education. The session discussion various aspects such as teaching/learning process were discussed during the one day sessions, teaching Profession, Designing Instruction, Classroom Management & Assessment and Evaluation. The participants demonstrated a high level of interest and enthusiasm throughout the workshop.
The seminar was addressed by President IIUI Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh who appreciated the efforts of the Dean FSS for taking the initiative of training the visiting faculty and said it is an imperative step towards excellence in education. He hoped that such teacher training programs be continued in future also.
In the closing ceremony Prof. Dr. Samina Malik Dean Faculty of Social Sciences said that the activity was held for improvements at the faculty level. She paid gratitude to the administration of university, resource persons, heads of departments and visiting faculty members for their contribution toward the goal of professional development of university faculty.