Dr. Muhammad Imran Shabbir, Assistant Professor in Department of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences International Islamic University, Islamabad has been awarded with research grant of 15 Million PKR under “Pakistan-United States Science and Technology Cooperation Program 2016: Phase 7.
According to researcher, It was first ever grant for IIUI unnder this program and only 14 research projects have been approved under this program in year 2017 from the whole country (http://hec.gov.pk/english/HECAnnouncements/Pages/Pak-US-ST-Funding-2017.aspx).
Dr. Imran told that the project aims at strengthening the health security by improving the diagnostic approaches against selected infectious diseases endemic in Pakistan.
Accurate diagnosis is critical for improving standard of care, proper disease management, and to minimize spread of infectious diseases. Currently, molecular diagnostics requires sophisticated laboratory facilities, trained personnel, and laborious procedures that are not available in remote areas and in resource-poor settings. Ideally, diagnostics should be carried at the point of care in real time to enable the health provider to make informed decisions.
Dr. Shabbir hopes that technology development and improvement is the key to provide better diagnostics and health care facilities to the community.