IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
In connection with IIUI Extravaganza 2022, Arabic Literary Festival held at the female campus of International Islamic university (IIU).The Faculty of Arabic, Faculty of Shariah & Law and Faculty of Usuluddin (Islamic Studies) of the university organized this event at female campus. A large number of faculty members and students from faculties especially Arab students...Read More
In connection with extravaganza 2022, Arabic Literary Festival held at male campus of International Islamic university (IIU). The Faculty of Arabic, Faculty of Shariah & Law and the Faculty of Usuluddin (Islamic Studies) of the university organized this event at male campus. A large number of students attended the Arabic Literary Festival. Students actively performed...Read More
ضمن فعاليات الأسبوع الثقافي التاسع والعشرين للجامعة المنعقد خلال المدة 6-9 ديسمبر 2018م الذي تم افتتاحه يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 6 / 12 /2022م وحضر حفل الافتتاح سفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين في إسلام آباد الأستاذ نواف بن سعيد المالكي كضيف الشرف، ورئيس هيئة التعليم العالي، كما حضره نواب رئيس الجامعة والمدراء العموم وعمداء الكليات ورؤساء الأقسام...Read More