IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
Application Form For Part-Time/Visiting Faculty. Apply online [Last Date: 22-08-2022] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeE2Q5MA2D_I4aDWImU_mCP-ov4f1Yf9HRF9SNLIEipMI4k3w/viewformRead More
Dr. Hathal Homoud Alotaibi , President, International Islamic University (IIU) has said that use of modern technology and latest communication tools can provide best results for Dawah. This he said during his visit to the Dawah academy of the university where he met with scholars and also was briefed by Director General of the Academy...Read More
في ظل الطفرة المعلوماتية الهائلة التي يشهدها العالم، وعرفانا وتقديرا لمكانتهم، وتأكيداً لحرص الجامعة على حقهم في رعايتهم وخدمتهم واستدامة التواصل معهم، وإبراز نجاحاتهم أقامت الجامعة الإسلامية ملتقى الخريجين عن بعد، وذلك يوم الخميس الموافق لــ 4 أغسطس .. رعى الملتقى معالي الأستاذ الدكتور هذال حمود العتيبي حيث تحدث بهذه المناسبة وقال: إنها مناسبة طيبة...Read More
Regional Dawah Center (RDC) Sindh of International Islamic university (IIU) organized a two day program on the topic of Seerah of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Dr. Syed Aziz ur Rehman, Incharge RDC delivered a detailed lecture on the topic and related the contemporary situations with the circumstances of era of Holy Prophet (PBUH). He discussed importance...Read More