IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
Admission Open for Short Arabic courses at International Islamic university Islamabad For details and registration form visit the link below Short Courses in Arabic LanguageRead More
Member Rehmatul-lil-Alameen Authority, Prof. Dr. Tanveer Anjum delivered a lecture on “Seerah of Holy Prophet ( PBUH) and our social behavior” , organized by Department of Urdu (female campus ). Member National Rehmat-ul-Ulameen Authority arranged the lecture. Dr. Tanveer shed light on the moral issues and presented the solutions in the light of the life of...Read More
A Committee approved by the Vice President (Research & Enterprise) has nominated Mr. Muhammad Nouman Shahid, Dy. Director ORIC,IIUI to participate in 3rd International Week 2022. Usak University, Turkey, has invited ORIC/Staff of International Linkages Office to its 3rd International Week with the topic of “Re-Connection in New Era”, to be held between 6-10 June...Read More