IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
Office of Vice President, Female Campus celebrated the International Women’s Day. To mark the day in a seminar at female campus the speakers highlighted the courage and achievements of women in various fields. The keynote speaker and country head of the collaborative organisation, The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) highlighted the services of...Read More
A 30 member delegation of the participants of 37th Human Resource Development Program from Dawah Academy visited the new campus of International Islamic University (IIU). The course participants were officers of the Pakistan forces who have been inducted this one month long course of Dawah Academy. Addressing on the occasion, Vice President Academics Prof. Ayaz...Read More
The IIUI team comprising of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shuja Syed, Founding Executive Director of CAEPE/ Vice President Research and Enterprise and Dr. Imran Murtaza, Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Affiliate Researcher of the Centre for Advanced Electronics & Photovoltaic Engineering (CAEPE) through their project on “Advanced Energy Harvesters and Energy Storage Devices for Self-powered...Read More
International Islamic university Islamabad (IIUI) students participated in Pakistan Television’s program “Bunyad” . The students of IIUI were selected to represent from a diversified background like Social sciences, Religious sciences, History, Philosophy, International Relations. Main idea of the show was based on our foundation as a nation and the challenges we face to becoming...Read More
تم تصنيف الجامعة الإسلامية إسلام أباد بين أفضل 200 جامعة حيث احتلت المرتبة 194 في تصنيف جامعة تايمز للجامعات الناشئة Times Higher Education Young University Rankings الأخيرة لأفضل الجامعات في العالم التي لم يمض عليها أكثر من 50 عامًا منذ نشأتها. احتلت الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية المرتبة الثانية في باكستان في قائمة الجامعات الناشئة. يعتمد جدول...Read More