IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
International Islamic University (IIU) BIC”s startup H&A Bots (Pvt) Ltd stood among the first three best superstars of the Oxfam iSME Green Superstar competition. According to BIC, the university Business Incubation Center, Out of 100 outstanding applications from impact businesses participating in the Oxfam iSME Development program in Nigeria, Egypt, Uganda, Somaliland (Somalia), Vietnam and...Read More
Professors at UK’s Teesside University’s Centre for Culture and Diversity have set out to promote original new research on South Asian women’s writing. Supported by the UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund and working with the International Islamic University, they curated a three-day workshop for 25 women early career researchers (ECRs) from across Pakistan with the...Read More
Dr. Muhammad Akram, Assistant Professor/In-Charge Department of Comparative Religion, wins the prestigious Chevening Oxford Center for Islamic Studies Fellowship. Every year, candidates from around twenty Muslim countries compete for four slots of this fellowship. The fellowship is a part of the British government’s Chevening scholarships/fellowships program. The Oxford Center for Islamic Studies(OCIS) is affiliated with...Read More
The Department of Comparative Religion (DCR) and the Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD), IIUI, have collaborated for a unique initiative to enable the Department’s faculty members to learn source languages of different world religions. Under this program, six faculty members have already started learning source languages of different religions. Dr. Muhammad Akram...Read More