IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
Dr. Muhammad Ilyas has been appointed as Professor in Faculty of Usuluddin (Islamic Studies), International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ilyas is currently working as Director General Dawah Academy of International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. His specialization is Hadith & its Sciences.Read More
Dr. Abdul Rashid has been appointed as Professor in International Institute of Islamic Economics (IIIE), International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid is currently working as Director General and Chairman, Research at International Institute of Islamic Economics (IIIE), International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. He possesses vast experience of research, teaching, and project leadership...Read More
أكّد معالي رئيس الجامعة الدكتور هذال حمود العتيبي على جميع كليات الجامعة والأقسام الأكاديمية بالجامعة الاستعداد التامّ لتقديم الدورات الدراسية والتدريبية في مختلف التخصصات والمجالات عبر الشبكة. جاء ذلك خلال الاجتماع الذي عقد يوم الجمعة الموافق 16 أبريل 2021م في مقر الجامعة القديم برئاسة معاليه، وحضره نواب الرئيس والعمداء والمدراء العامون بالجامعة. وتم في الاجتماع...Read More