February 23, 2018

To report news and events, please contact Protocol and Public Relation Department at [email protected]
A one month-long awareness campaign for making university smoking free and adopting healthy lifestyle commenced here at new campus of the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI). First program, in connection with the one month awareness campaign was conducted at female campus which was chaired by Director Female campus Dr. Farkhanda Zia. In the session, Dr....
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Famous Islamic Scholar Mufti Taqi Usmani delivered Jumma sermon and lead Jumma prayer at Faisal Masjid campus. The Jumma prayer was attended by IIUI leadership and people from different walks of life. Rector IIUI Dr. Masoon Yasinzai, Director General Dawah Academy Dr. Suhail Hassan were amongst the thousands of faithful who offered prayer behind Mufti...
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