IIUI mission is to transform the society by promoting education, training, research, technology, and collaboration for reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam.
PEACE, DIALOGUE PRE-REQUISITES FOR PROSPEROUS SOCIETIES, DR. MASOOM YASINZAI Peace and dialogue were pre-requisites to keep societies prosperous, developed and full of values in this age of globalization, said Dr. Masoom Yasinzai on Wednesday. He was addressing a closing ceremony of an international conference on “Local Cities, Foreign Capitals: Finding the Local Anchor in the...Read More
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweesh, President IIUI, hosted a lunch in honour of Management Sciences Faculty members at IRD Guest House, Faisal Masjid Campus, IIUI. It was hosted in appreciation of efforts in achieving award of Accreditation of its BBA & MBA Programs from National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC), HEC. Dr. Al-Draiweesh, lauded the...Read More
احتفلت الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية في إسلام آباد ممثلة بقسم علم النفس فيها صباح يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 10/10/2017م في قاعة العلامة إقبال في مسجد الملك فيصل باليوم العالمي للصحة النفسية والعقلية الذي يوافق هذا اليوم من كل عام . . وقد شرف الحفل سعادة سفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين في إسلام آباد الأستاذ السفير/ نواف بن سعيد...Read More